Thurston-Lewis-Mason Central Labor Council
Updated On: May 06, 2024


Rachelle Martin (WFSE 443)

Rachelle Martin has been a rank and file union organizer and steward for over 15 years. She is a member of WFSE 443 and currently works at the Washington State Dept of Health at the Center for Epidemiology Practice, Equity and Assessment as the coordinator for the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Rachelle also serves as the chief steward for the Department of Health. She has been a delegate to TLM CLC for 10 years and a board member for 6. Rachelle is dedicated to creating a structure that helps every worker have a safe and respectful workplace by working together to create solidarity though direct action. Rachelle is a state certified mediator who specializes in high conflict and equity issues.

Vice President

Kian Alden (UFCW 367)

Kian Alden is a Union Representative at UFCW 367. He currently represents workers in Thurston, Lewis, Mason, Gray's Harbor, and Pacific counties. He comes from the UFCW rank and file out of Fred Meyer, and has been involved with the TLMCLC since 2023. Outside of work and volunteer work, Kian enjoys carpentry, hiking, and gardening.

Patty Estes (UFCW 367)

Patty Estes is a powerhouse staff member of UFCW 367 where she helps grocery store workers all over our region and in the country by advocating against the Kroger Albertsons merger. Patty will use her incredible organizational skills in her new role as secretary for TLM CLC. Patty is a dynamic leader that mobilizes and energizes, not only the members she helps every day but the larger labor movement.


This position is currently open. Interested in serving your fellow working people as TLM CLC Treasurer? Contact President Rachelle Martin at

Political Action Coordinator

Ryan Schmautz (WFSE 443)

Sergeant at Arms

Colton Rose (UFCW 367)

Colton was a grocery worker and member of UFCW Local 367 for ten years. He was always interested in class struggle, but it was the Covid pandemic and the fight for hazard pay that solidified his resolve to build worker power. After winning hazard pay in Olympia, Colton saw the power that workers can wield, and he committed himself to helping his non-union coworkers form a union. Shortly after that Colton became a full time labor organizer with his local helping others across southwest Washington form unions to fight for the things that matter to them. If you're interested in improving your working conditions Colton would be more than happy to speak with you.

Executive Board Members
John Adams (LiUNA  252)
Jeremy Clevenger (LiUNA 252)

Evan Wood (WFSE 872)

Evan is Vice President of Washington Federation of State Employees local 872. He has been a delegate to the TLM CLC for over a year. During his tenure he has seen his local start to recover from the pandemic downturn. He hopes we can continue the upswing in the CLC and make real material changes for working class families. He is honored to sit on the executive board and looks forward to what we do next. 

Margaret Clevenger (WFSE 443)

Alice Rosewater (AFSCME 3758)

Alice Rosewater is a library worker and member of AFSCME 3758. She is a socialist and committed to winning the battle for democracy within and beyond our workplaces. As a TLM CLC trustee, Alice will bring a fighting perspective to the Council's work and aim to unite the power of the labor movement with a broad array of social struggles.

Tucker Rzepecki (UFCW 367)

Tucker Rzepecki is a rank and file member of UFCW 367 where they work at Fred Meyer. Tucker is a gifted illustrator with a passion for labor justice and connecting with community. 

Contact Info
Thurston-Lewis-Mason Central Labor Council
PO Box 66
Olympia, WA 98507

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